Library Services
We hope that you'll take advantage of our services. After all, that's why we're here. Please remember to bring your ACES ID with you!
For Library open hours, see the left side navigation box for full details.
The NLC Library offers current students, faculty, and staff the following resources.
NLC students, faculty, and staff at any of the Alamo Colleges District Libraries can see when their checked out materials are due back at the NLC Library.. Our Online Catalog can show you this information as well as let you renew your borrowed materials one time.
To view your library account, follow these steps.
- Visit the Online Catalog to log into your account.
- Your first name will be shown in a grey box in the upper right corner of your browser. Click on the button.
- From the down menu, click on "My Account".
- The list of checked out materials will be shown on your profile page.
- To renew an item, click on the "Select All" check box and then click on the RENEW ITEMS button.
Because our workstations are a heavily used resource, the Library's Internet and Workstation Accessible Use Policy is to ensure that they are readily available for use when you need them.
Our computers and laptops allow you access the following services.
Help! I need a copy of my textbook, but the book store is all sold out?
Help! I don't have enough money to buy my textbook, but I have an assignment due this week using the textbook?
Do these situations sound familiar? If so, then the Library may be able to help with our Course Reserves collection.
What are Course Reserves?
Course Reserves are items (textbooks, books, DVDs, articles, etc.) that instructors leave at the library for students to check out.
Instructors decide which materials to add to their courses. These might be a personal copy or an item from the library’s collection. Search the Course Reserves page of the Online Catalog by either the course name (like ENGL 1302) or the instructor's last name to check which items are available.
Loans are either 4-hour, 3-day, or 7-day check out periods. All materials must be returned to the circulation desk no later than 15 minutes before closing on the due date.
A book scanner and photocopier are available for your use.
Keeping materials longer than the loan period may result in penalties including suspension of borrowing privileges and student holds.
I am a faculty member teaching a course here at NLC, is there a way for me to place materials for my course on reserve for my students to check out from the Library?
Yes! The Circulation Desk can help you put books, media, models, and other physical items on reserve so that your students can visit the library to check the item(s) out for a limited time. Complete the online form and then bring it and the item(s) to the Circulation Desk located at Comal NLIB 137.
To see what items you currently have on reserve for your students, please visit the Course Reserve page on the Online Catalog. You can then type your last name into the search box to see what items we have on reserve for you.
Faculty-owned copies of the textbook can be placed on course reserve for your students as long as the textbook is the student version. A faculty copy of a textbook will not be accepted for course reserves accessed by students.
NOTE: We do not purchase textbooks or required reading materials for inclusion into the Library's physical collection.
NOTE: For media that you would like to give digital access to you students via Canvas which isn't in our digital media collections, please email Vicky Hart or your faculty library liaison with the below information. The Library will work with you on purchasing the DVD and then submitting it to IT for digital conversion and placement on Panopto.
- Title of the film or documentary
- Author(s)
- Year of publication
- Course identification (Ex: ENGL 1301 or GOVT 2304)
- Semester the material will be used for the course
NLC faculty, staff, and currently enrolled students in good standing with the NLC Library may take advantage of our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service. ILL is a library to library lending service that is used to obtain circulating materials and periodical articles owned by other libraries including other Alamo Colleges District libraries. Visit our ILL information page for more details on the service
The NLC Library has laptops and various calculators that can be checked-out for on-campus use. The check-out period is 4-hours.
Currently, we have graphing, scientific, and basic calculators available. You will need to tell the Circulation Staff what type of calculator you need for your class. These calculators can be checked out for 4-hours, on-campus use.
There are a limited number of semester-long calculators that can be checked out for use the whole semester you are needing a calculator. If none of these calculators are available, our Circulation Staff will add your name to the wait-list and you will be notified as soon as one of these calculators becomes available.
Web Cameras
Students needing a web camera for use with the Lock Down Browser can visit the Circulation Desk to check-out a web camera. The check-out period is 7-days.
NLC Library has a black and white photocopier/scanner for students, faculty, and staff. The photocopier doesn't make double-sided or color copies.
For color or double-sided copies, visitors can use one of the computers in the lab and GoPrint to print out their items. For more information on this, please visit the Circulation Desk.
The UPS store on campus is also available for color and black-and-white copies.
Printing costs $0.05 per one-sided page and $0.06 per double-sided page. Students/library patrons will first need to establish a GoPrint account for themselves which can be done on any library workstation. Look for the big red G logo on the desktop to release your print.
Library staff can reset your password if the Forgot Password link doesn't work.
Funds can be added to your account using debit/credit cards or cash. Funds will remain on your account until your account is empty. Please see signs posted near all workstations or ask library staff.
We ask that all users be aware of U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17 of the U.S. Code) and that they are responsible for any liability for infringing activity.
Group study rooms are available to NLC students working on group projects or as a study group. Rooms are available on a first-come, first served basis. An individual student may use a group study room but if a group needs the room, the individual will be asked to vacate.
Students may check out a whiteboard marker and eraser pack at the Circulation Desk. Laptops are also available for check out along with wireless connectivity in all study rooms.
For groups working on a presentation, the Library offers four (4) study rooms with media connections. These rooms have a large screen which can be connected to 4 laptops at the same time so that groups can work in collaboration on their projects or presentations. See the Circulation Staff for a quick tutorial on using this equipment.
TexShare Borrower's Card
Currently enrolled NLC students and employees in good standing with the NLC Library may obtain a TexShare Borrower's Card at the Circulation Desk.
Cards are good for the semester in which they are issued and allow the cardholder to borrow materials directly from other participating TexShare libraries. Each TexShare library establishes its own lending rules and there are guidelines for obtaining a card. Borrowers are responsible for returning materials to the owning library. For a list of libraries who participate in the program, visit the "Find a Library" page at the Texas State Library and Archives Commission.
Visitors Using a TexShare Card at NLC Library
Visitors to the Library who aren't currently enrolled students, faculty or staff may check out books and media from the Library for a 2-week checkout. Please present your TexShare card, a valid photo identification card, and the books or media you wish to check out. Visitors can check out up to 5 books or media for 2 weeks.
Wireless access is available throughout the library and the NLC campus. Students, staff, and faculty can take advantage of the NLC's free wireless access on their wireless-ready equipment. To read more about the District's wireless access, visit the NLC WiFi page.