Off-Campus Work-Study Opportunities

The Alamo Colleges encourages you to seek part-time, career-related employment to build your resume and begin building your professional career pathway. Employers want college graduates to have work experience, and ideally, work experience in the applicant’s major field of study.

Through the Alamo Colleges Community Work-Study (CWS) and the Private-Sector Work-Study (PWS) programs, students eligible for federal financial work-study can choose to work off-campus to gain professional experience working at a non-profit or governmental agency, or working at a private-sector business.

Choosing off-campus work-study opportunities will allow you to gain in-demand skills, clarify your career goals, and make career connections while earning your work-study award.

Overview of CWS and PWS


Two Options Available





Employer Type Non-profit/government organizations Private businesses
Pay (eff. 9.1.23) $15.33 (some pay more) Many jobs pay $15.33+
Required Documents Resume Resume and Cover Letter
Job Related to Major Ideally, but not required Must align with your major
Experience Required Minimal or none Some experience may be needed
College course completion Minimal or none Some course completion may be expected

To get more details on each program, its opportunities, and requirements, click on the links below.


Community Work-Study 


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